Erasmus With arts for more opportunities

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Project Title: With arts for more opportunities (WAMOs)

Project Start Date: 2022-05-31

Project Total Duration: 12 months

Project End Date: 2023-05-31

Project ID: 2021-2-HU01-KA210-SCH-000049919

Participating partners:
Symphonia Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Archi.Media Trust Onlus

Summary of the project:


On the longer term we wish to CONTRIBUTE TO THE LOWERING OF EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING % in both of our countries, this is the most relevant priority for us. (Current rates are 12,5% in HU and 14% in IT (2020)).

It can’t necessarily be achieved during this project. By strengthening our educators’ professional knowledge, by using tools (eg. with a cultural/arts background) that can make education more interesting for pupils likely to leave school early (and thus motivating them to continue their studies) we can reduce the number of early school leavers in about 2-5 years’ time in our areas.

We would also like to create a network of organisations who work in similar areas, using various art/cultural forms to tackle early school leaving. This project is also A PREPARATION OF A LARGER-SCALE EUROPEAN PROJECT on this subject.


Our direct participant groups are: TEACHERS/ EDUCATORS from both organisations and PUPILS from both institutions.

An important part of the local participants will be “the locals” – as we would like to invite a wider audience to the planned pupil performances/exhibits (eg. parents, the pupils’ friends, and members of the local communities).


M1: kick-off meeting in Miskolc
M2: sum-up meeting in Grosseto
P1: entry measuring
P2: preparation for E1
P3: preparation for E2
E1: short-term staff training in IT
E2: short-term student exchange in IT
P4: measuring after E1, E2
P5: relaying of experience after E1, E2
P6: preparation for E4
P7: preparation for E3
E3: short-term staff training in HU
E4: short-term student exchange in HU
P8: measuring after E3, E4
P9: relaying of experience after E3, E4
P10: fusion of practices, further use
P11: exit measuring
P12: internal evaluation
P13: project management
P14: dissemination/communication
P15: partner search, network extension


PREVENTING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING a very long-term objective; we’ll deem it a success if none of the project’s participants will drop off their studies.

Numbers about our dissemination activity (how many institutions learn about the best practices, through how many channels) can show how widely can we contribute to the SUPPORTING TEACHERS.

The topic CULTURE AND CREATIVITY is an underlying one throughout the project – music/art education and activities in themselves are a cultural notion; we’ll organize concerts/exhibits during the exchanges (this always attract interest); and we’ll create a new best practice using music education as an incentive against early school leaving.

The INTERNAL EVALUATION of the project (by the key persons’ committee) in May 2023 will go through the project events and all these points mentioned here, to formulate a joint opinion that can be incorporated in the final report.


Participation in this project will GREATLY CONTRIBUTE to both organisation’s development:

- gaining experience in international projects
- having a more compact and motivated staff by the end
- having more motivated pupils
- gaining useful tools and methods for further professional use
- gaining professional recognition among our respective peer schools
- fortifying links to national-level decision-makers (these latter 2 through dissemination).

It is a given that we wish to INCORPORATE the learned outstanding best practices into our respective work programs, this is why we started the cooperation in the first place.

We also wish to continue working on the FUSION OF THE BEST PRACTICES (starting by the end of this project, see activity P10) into a nation-level system of incentives through art/music education/activities.

If the results of the project are overwhelmingly positive, we can renew the experience by a wider partnership – this requires an extended partner search where we’ll look for music education methods that we would love to learn about (and implement if they prove to be a success).


The main goal of kick-off meeting was to get to know each other, to clarify rules, to define tasks and responsibilities, to discuss and finalize the Partnership agreement. We discussed about the whole project: from budget flow to timetable and activities etc. We summarized these as annexes of the Partnership Agreement.
We also used this opportunity to present our Italian partners to some of our teachers in Miskolc. We managed to prepare their upcoming student and teacher exchange and show them some accommodation opportunities in Miskolc and also the venue of the concert for the upcoming student exchange. We organized a meeting with the mayor of Edelény (where the concert will be) and the manager of the community house (which is the concert venue).

Az edelényi polgármesterrel is találkoztunk az Erasmus 2021-2-HU01-KA210-SCH-000049919 azonosítójú, olasz-magyar együttműködésben megvalósuló projekt indító eseményén. A polgármester úr támogatja az edelényi helyszínre tervezett közös koncertet. Felkértük őt, hogy nyissa majd meg az őszre tervezett eseményt.




The project’s most beautiful and most waited event was the student exchange: 18 Italian music student was in Hungary with us, spoiled with lots of various programmes and warm hospitality.
We created a welcome kit for our Italian guests called Guide and useful information. We helped them to organize board and accommodation in Miskolc. The student exchange was from Tuesday (08 November) to Saturday (12 November). During the exchange (from Tuesday to Thursday) they had the chance to take part in rehearsals and also to get to know each other, talk, eat and have fun together. The goal was their joint concert in Edelény Cultural House (it is near Miskolc, some of the participating children are from Edelény) – and they managed to give a fantastic concert together. After that they took part a reception and had the chance to meet other local musiclover children.

Ritkán látható ennyi zenész az Edelényi Művelődési Központ szinpadán, ezt bátran elmondhatjuk. A Symphonia Alapítvány Erasmus Plus projektje keretében az olaszországi Giuseppe Verdi Zeneiskola tanulóival és tanáraival adhattak közös koncertet az edelényi, Miskolc Gesztenyés utcai, Miskolc vasgyári és ónodi telephelyen tanuló diákjaink és tanáraink. A koncertet megelőző közös próbák a Gesztenyés utcai telephelyen, Miskolcon, az Avason zajlottak két napon keresztül. Olasz dalok, Verdi és Sosztakovics művei hangzottak el a koncerten, melynek “házigazdái” Virág Csaba és Kun Alexandra munkacsoport vezetők voltak. Vezényelt: Virág Csaba

Az esemény az Európai Unió Erasmus+ programjának társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.




A delegation of teachers from the Symphonia Alapítvány Foundation in Hungary, travelled to Prato, Italy, in January, for the preparation of the second part of the project WAMOS, funded by the Erasmus+ KA210-SCH programme of the EU. The Project is supported by the European Commission. In April 2023, a group of about 30 children from the Symphonia Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola will visit Prato.

The delegation met with the Italian staff of the Scuola di Musica Verdi, to set up musical and didactical activities and figure out the logistics of the exchange.

A Symphonia Alapítvány oktatóinak delegációja 2023 januárban az olaszországi Pratóba utazott az EU Erasmus+ KA210-SCH programja által finanszírozott WAMOS projekt második részének előkészítése céljából. A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatja. 2023 áprilisában a Symphonia Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola mintegy 30 fős gyermekcsoportja látogat Pratóba kiegészülve a tanáraikkal.

Delegációnk találkozott a Scuola di Musica Verdi olasz munkatársaival, hogy zenei és módszertani tevékenységekről egyeztessenek és kidolgozzák a csere logisztikáját.

Facebook photos



The last in person activity put the crown on the project. Participants of the student exchange meet second time in the project and first time in Italy: 29 Hungarian music students and 13 Hungarian music teachers visited Verdi Music School in Prato, April 17-21, 2023.

Our accommodation at Villa San Leonardo al Palco (former monastery) provided calm circumstances to rest and to tune in after a 14 hours bus drive and late arrival to Prato on Monday night April 17. We have been helped to organize rehearsals in the afternoons and evenings at the Verdi Music School together with the Italian music students, however, in the mornings we organised historical city walks in Prato, Firenze and Pisa. The student exchange took place from Monday (April 17) to Friday (April 21). During the exchange students had the chance to listen each others' rehearsals and to rehearse together and also to get to know each other, talk, eat and have fun together. The main goal was a joint concert at Verdi Music School (it is in the city center of Prato) – and Italian and Hungarian music students and teachers managed to give a fantastic concert together in the evening of April 20. Afterwards, all participants took part on a common dinner at the monastery, where participants could say good bye to each other and teachers could evaluate the cooperation in long discussions.

Az utolsó közös tevékenység tette fel a koronát a projektre. A diákcsere résztvevői másodszor találkoztak a projektben és először Olaszországban: 29 magyar zeneiskolai tanuló és 13 magyar zenetanár látogatott el a Prato-i Verdi Zeneiskolába 2023. április 17-21 között.

A Villa San Leonardo al Palcóban (egykori kolostorban) található szállásunk nyugodt körülményeket biztosított a pihenéshez és a ráhangolódáshoz a 14 órás buszos utazás és az április 17-i késő esti Pratoba érkezés után. A partnereink segítettek a délutáni és esti próbák megszervezésében, melynek a Verdi Zeneiskola adott otthont az olasz zenehallgatókkal közösen, délelőttönként azonban történelmi városi sétákat szerveztünk Pratóba, Firenzébe és Pisába. A diákcsere hétfőtől (április 17.) péntekig (április 21.) zajlott. A csereprogram során a résztvevőknek lehetőségük volt meghallgatni egymás próbáit és közös próbát tartani is, valamint ismerkedni, beszélgetni, enni és együtt időt tölteni. A fő cél egy közös koncert volt a Verdi Zeneiskolában (Prato belvárosában van): április 20-án este az olasz és magyar zeneiskolai tanulók és tanáraik egy fantasztikus gyermek szimfonikus zenekari koncertet adtak együtt. A koncert után egy közös vacsora várt a résztvevőkre a kolostorban, ahol a résztvevők elköszönhettek egymástól, a tanárok pedig hosszas megbeszéléseken értékelhették az együttműködést.

Az esemény az Európai Unió Erasmus+ programjának társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.

Photos on Facebook:

April 18

April 20

April 23


During the implementation of the project, we achieved various results through preparatory meetings, short exchange trips, teacher consultations, and the monitoring of these activities. The impact of the travel experiences has been inspiring in the long run for both the participating children and teachers, as well as for all the students and teachers of both partner institutions, to whom we shared our experiences. The questionnaire responses and feedback from the children revealed that they became much more motivated in their school and music learning, which helps to prevent early school leaving. They formed new friendships, and gained lifelong experiences. For the teachers, the project resulted in closer collaborations and improved working relationships, as they were able to learn from each other's methods and best practices. The project not only had an impact on the direct participants but also on all students and teachers of the two participating organizations, as well as on the members of those organizations with whom we shared our experiences. Hopefully, with further similar projects, we can even more effectively promote the academic advancement of children and help them become more valuable members of society as adults.

For the detailed project summary please click here.